2000 ford focus 2.0 DOHC - Engine Randomly dies - FIX?

2000 ford focus 2.0 DOHC - Engine Randomly dies - FIX?, Got a 2000 Ford Focus 2.0 DOHC.
Since the day i got it, 2 years ago at 92k miles to 162k miles it would randomly die as if it were out of gas.

After replacing, air filter, fuel filter, spark plugs, wires, battery, PCV valve, even replaced airintake unit with a SRI, it still would randomly die.
Found out i had an expired extended warrenty on my fuel pump.
When going to replace the pump i saw the little sock filters going into the fuel pump housing, and the sock going into the fuel pump had 85% of them covered in SKUM.
Cleaned them up an so far so good...

Look at my myspace link to see pictures of them...
(pictures of my cars in this album, just scroll to the bottem to see it..)



2000 ford focus 2.0 DOHC - Engine Randomly dies - FIX?
2000 ford focus 2.0 DOHC - Engine Randomly dies - FIX?

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