Presentation of Mahasarakham University and 8th QS WorldClass 2015

Presentation of Mahasarakham University and 8th QS WorldClass 2015, Mahasarakham University (MSU), Thailand cordially invites administrators and professional leaders in education from all over the world to join the 8th QS WORLDCLASS Seminar hosted by MSU, in conjunction with QS Asia which will be held in Phuket, Thailand on 1st to 3rd of April, 2015.

MSU is a Thai Government University in the North East of Thailand which presently has an enrolment of over forty four thousand students. At the moment we have twenty one faculties.

MSU is actively engaged in innovation and research to benefit the local and world communities as well as engaging with business and government for future mutual benefit. Regarding culture and history; MSU is the centre of the area of traditional Isan culture and has a variety of museums as well as an Isan library. MSU is committed to the preservation and international sharing of Isan Culture.

Our mission concerns the development and presentation of opportunities for all students and academics to have access to the best possible education available in a globalized world..

Presentation of Mahasarakham University and 8th QS WorldClass 2015
Presentation of Mahasarakham University and 8th QS WorldClass 2015

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